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Hey ! I'm palak . Welcome to my blog. I'm a student by day , a blogger by night . Also a self proclaimed teaholic and a stubborn weirdo. A huge fan of MCU ( avengers ).

Friday 28 August 2020

The best start to any morning !


I know it seems like I'm talking to a 5 year old child but yes you should pray . Ask yourself the last time you went grateful for the things you have? You folded hands in front of god not to beg but just to be grateful. You may not know if tomorrow is yours or not but you can make today yours . So even if you can pray for five min then please do and remember pray to the power of your inner god.  

2.Mobile free Morning .

What if I ask you what is the first thing you do in the morning ? 90% of the people's answers would be checking their phones. Some will check their social media , Some will check their e-mails , Some will do this task , others will do that task. People just don't realize that those eyes which should get overwhelmed by watching nature's beauty are reading emails or just checking the likes on their newly posted pic.


Enough excuses in your brain not to workout . But only one reason to do this is that health is the real wealth. You need to do this . Well , honestly even if you only stretch then it's also great ๐Ÿ˜‰ because stretching is great for your body . 

4. The KING size breakfast 

Yes , you should eat the king size breakfast in the morning without keeping a count of the calories . A big breakfast helps you to tackle all the tasks of the day . Make sure that your breakfast is rich in minerals and proteins 

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