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Hey ! I'm palak . Welcome to my blog. I'm a student by day , a blogger by night . Also a self proclaimed teaholic and a stubborn weirdo. A huge fan of MCU ( avengers ).

Friday 13 November 2020

How to make paintings on the popsicle / icecream sticks !

Heyo ! I'm palak . So , if you have seen the Artwork post on my blog then you must have seen those paintings on popsicle / icecream sticks . Today's blog is on how do I make them . Well, I have just uploaded two in this blog . Many more are coming soon . The pictures are below .


1. Get the best type of sticks you can get around you . Don't use those half -broken , imprinted ones . Choose the most light coloured sticks you can choose or paint them white before you start painting . 

2. After arranging them linewise , make sure they are of equal height .

* Now take one more stick and place it vertically on your horizontal sticks or horizontally on your vertical sticks . Stick that stick to the other sticks .(woohoo a tongue twister ). 

Alternate way of sticking them together :-

You can add a hard paper on the back of the sticks and paste them together . It works for a longer phase of time . 

3. Now , when it's all stick together . Paint it all in white colour as it provides a base for your painting . 

4. Grab your brushes and show your creativity .

additional tips :-

  • Do make sure you paint on the edges very neatly . 
  • Use a good quality glue . 
  • Better to use waterproof paints .
  • If you are going to paint night sky then surely you will make stars , for that grab your old toothbrush and then dip it in the colour and spray it on the stick . 

I hope this was helpful , and if it was then comment down below and do follow for more such amazing things . 

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