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Hey ! I'm palak . Welcome to my blog. I'm a student by day , a blogger by night . Also a self proclaimed teaholic and a stubborn weirdo. A huge fan of MCU ( avengers ).

Friday 28 August 2020

5 things must to do in teenage !

1. Develop a hobby 

Teenage is the best time to take up a hobby as the mind is in a growing state and also hobby helps to divert mind from the stress from study plus it encourages creativity . That hobby might become your passion later .  

2. Hanging out with your friends

I know it's a no brainer as the teens already hang out with their friends but this point is for the nerds who just care their grades and exams . A bitter truth the grades you will get will not last forever but The memories you will make will last forever . 


Reading in teenage is the most coolest habit you can take up . Reading a lot of books like novels , fantasy , sci-fi , romance etc. Every type of books has something to take away . So do read books , even if you can read one book a month, it will help you a lot. 

4. Work on personality development 

During teenage and early childhood , the mind is like clay it can be mould into any shape . So it's the best time to take up new and good habits , make your appearance and behaviour attractive . personality development helps a lot in getting jobs and dealing with a lot of problems . 

5. Educate yourself 

I think this is the only sensible point i made in this blog . 😂😂😂 Well , this point just literally mean that teens should educate themselves various things that are gonna help them in the future . These things can include coding , graphic designing , animation and normal info on various topics . This will improve their G.K and will help them to increase their brand value in future .

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